ABOUT Anterior Cruciate Ligament - Maximed Turkey
What Is The Anterior Cruciate Ligament?
The anterior cruciate ligament, also called the ACL, is a fibrous band of tissue that is attached to the front and outside of the knee. It helps to provide stability to the knee joint. When it tears or ruptures, it can injure the meniscus or articular cartilage.
A torn ACL can be caused by several factors such as an abnormal gait pattern, incorrect landing from jumping or pivoting at speed, hyperextension, and hyperflexion movements in sport or hobby activities with no eccentric phase.
A ruptured ACL often requires surgical removal and may result in soft tissue swelling and chronic pain in some cases (Young & Scarbrough).
The following sports are related to the anterior cruciate ligament;
Surgery for ACL tears is performed via arthroscopic surgery (surgery through small, lighted tubes). It is very popular because it allows the surgeon to assess the damage to the knee directly during surgery, and also to view all other ligaments, tendons, and muscles involved with the operation. The surgery typically requires 6-10 sutures. The most common procedure is a reconstruction with a graft from the hamstring tendon.
What Are The Symptoms Of An ACL Injury Or Tear?
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries and tears commonly cause:
· Pain in the front of the knee
· Knee instability
· Brief loss of control of your leg, such as when you try to change direction during a soccer game or step off a curb for protection.
An anterior cruciate ligament injury usually, but not always, occurs with an acute twisting force to the knee. After this initial degree of force is applied, there is often no noticeable injury until later that day or even weeks later.
The ACL begins to tear when an individual tries to re-use that focused force and it causes more damage than normal.
How Is An ACL Injury Diagnosed?
An ACL tear can be diagnosed by a physician through history and physical examination.
The physical examination is a very important step in the process of diagnosing a suspected injury to an anterior cruciate ligament.
A physician will often use a physical examination to help determine the seriousness of the injury as well as to rule out other possibilities. A physician will also give you a knee exam and will use special instruments, such as an arthrogram, ultrasonography, or magnetic resonance imaging, to diagnose your injury more accurately.
However, you need to understand that the diagnosis of your injury may not be based solely on a physical exam by a physician.
What Are The Treatment Options?
According to Vetter, et al.: "Despite the high activity level of the knee joint, it is relatively uncommon to have an ACL injury". According to Brown et al.: "Anterior cruciate ligament injury is one of the most common knee injuries, accounting for between 15% and 30% of all knee injuries."
An ACL tear occurs when an individual suffers a direct blow or valgus stress. This could be from a slip or trip, landing on an outstretched foot, hyperextending the knee joint, or simply playing a sport that requires jumping.
ACL tears are commonly seen in sports-related activities such as football, soccer, and basketball. In many cases, the ACL is at the center of a controversy as to whether or not an individual should have it surgically repaired or if they can rehabilitate from a torn ACL.
There are different opinions on this subject ranging from those who encourage surgery and those who encourage rehabilitation.
It is important to note that a torn ACL cannot be repaired and that it may never return to its normal strength state after repair. While sports-related activities that require jumping, pivoting, and sudden changes in direction may have been recommended by Dr. Quentin Khayat for those with a torn ACL, further research suggests caution when playing these sports post-op.
Frequently Asked Questions ACL
What Are The Treatment Options For An ACL Injury?
There are many treatment options! Some people will see a specialist at a hospital or physical therapy center, while others will see an orthopedic surgeon if needed.
The decision about which option to choose is based on your individual needs.
Some of the treatment options you may consider include:
· Bracing Knee Sling Physical Therapy Brace for 1‑3 Weeks - Use of Crutches Physical Therapy Use crutches or orthopedic scissors in case you need to keep weight off your leg for an extended period.
· Recovery Time Will depend on the severity of the injury and how long doctors expect it to take for you to recover full function.
What Is Physical Therapy?
Physical therapy (PT) is a type of treatment that is done to help injured or disabled people improve their strength, flexibility, and endurance. It can also be used to treat people who have certain conditions, such as arthritis, muscle strain, and joint problems.
· Bracing Knee Sling Physical Therapy Brace for 1‑3 Weeks - Use of Crutches Physical Therapy Use crutches or orthopedic scissors in case you need to keep weight off your leg for an extended period.
· Recovery Time Will depend on the severity of the injury and how long doctors expect it to take for you to recover full function.
Häufig gestellte Fragen ACL
Was sind die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für eine ACL-Verletzung?
Es gibt viele Behandlungsmöglichkeiten! Einige Menschen werden einen Spezialisten in einem Krankenhaus oder Physiotherapiezentrum aufsuchen, während andere bei Bedarf einen orthopädischen Chirurgen aufsuchen.
Die Entscheidung, welche Option Sie wählen, basiert auf Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen.
Einige der Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, die Sie in Betracht ziehen können, umfassen:
· Versteifende Knieschlinge Physiotherapie Orthese für 1-3 Wochen - Verwendung von Krücken Physiotherapie Verwenden Sie Krücken oder orthopädische Scheren, falls Sie Ihr Bein für längere Zeit entlasten müssen.
· Erholungszeit Hängt von der Schwere der Verletzung ab und davon, wie lange es nach Schätzungen der Ärzte dauern wird, bis Sie die volle Funktionsfähigkeit wiedererlangt haben.
Was ist Physiotherapie?
Physiotherapie (PT) ist eine Art von Behandlung, die durchgeführt wird, um verletzten oder behinderten Menschen zu helfen, ihre Kraft, Flexibilität und Ausdauer zu verbessern. Es kann auch zur Behandlung von Menschen mit bestimmten Erkrankungen wie Arthritis, Muskelverspannungen und Gelenkproblemen eingesetzt werden.
· Versteifende Knieschlinge Physiotherapie Orthese für 1-3 Wochen - Verwendung von Krücken Physiotherapie Verwenden Sie Krücken oder orthopädische Scheren, falls Sie Ihr Bein für längere Zeit entlasten müssen.
· Erholungszeit Hängt von der Schwere der Verletzung ab und davon, wie lange es nach Schätzungen der Ärzte dauern wird, bis Sie die volle Funktionsfähigkeit wiedererlangt haben.